Thursday, May 19, 2005

More Posted by Hello

Super Lap Posted by Hello

Super Lap 2004 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Why is America fat?

I don't know how insightful this will be, but here is my attempt to analize the reasons why America is obese. Even if these don't hold true for America they do for me. I was raised to clean my plate, and to eat what I had taken. I was also raised to look for good deals and take every chance I could to get a good deal. So when I look at a buffet, I think hey I can eat everything I want and it will be a good deal. If I go to a buffet and only get one plate I feel cheated. I have to get my money's worth or more if possible. This thinking causes overeating, and athough I am aware of how I think, I can do little to change it why feeling satisfied with my meal. I also enjoy eating. I really enjoy food itself and I will eat until my body throws up. On a daily basis I eat to the point of being in pain. I also hate exersice and unlike two generations before me I have little need for physical strengh. Mental strength is what's needed in todays world.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Solberg getting some major air! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Yo son

Well I just saw that google offered this service, and I've been thinking about blogging for a while. I'll see if I can use this site to get some good information out there to everyone, but if not it will give me a great place to bitch and complain.